Nyima grinned when he beckoned her. She followed a step behind him as he guided her away from the market. When they arrived, her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. They didn't have anything like this in the North, save the Spirit Oasis but even that was as beautiful as this place. There was lines drawn in the sand and lush green pants surrounding them. She continued to follow him as she looked about in amazement. She stopped when they reached the pool and looked up at Rayn before she returned to taking in their surroundings, "It's breathtaking...." She knelt down in front of the water and stuck her hand into it. She felt a chill of the warm envelope her hand. It was warm in comparison to the ocean and the water they dealt with at home but it was lovely. With a small flick of her wrist, she splashed Rayn. She looked up at him and giggled a little before she sat back on her heels, "This... is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been." She ran her fingers along the top of the blades of grass around her. She smiled, grass was not something they had at home. She liked how it felt on her fingers. She sighed and closed her eyes, listening to the water and the trees playing in the wind. The music of the garden. She took a deep breath and spoke quietly, "I can see why you like it here so much."