Alice and Adam both looked at everyone, realizing that, sure enough, they weren't the only ones here. Adam particularly notices three (Chase, Evette, Tyggvi) that are still asleep, or at least seems to be asleep. ...Wait, they're asleep? But it's the dream world, how is it possible to dream in a dream? He then looked at the Rabbit again, who seemed awfully...agitated not only from the asian hugging him but a girl petting him, as the rabbit tries to release himself from Koichi's grip, his legs twitching at fast speed. To Koichi and Hayleigh, the rabbit's soft fur, its small physical frame, it all felt real like and rabbit would. "[b]Get, OFF![/b]" He yelled out as he body, color, and texture began to change. His entire small body turned from a small white rabbit to a blob of some kind of black, inky goop that melted away from Koichi's hands and moved, on its own, away from the others before reforming itself into rabbit shape and regaining its colors and textures again, much to Alice's shock and Adam's surprise. "[i]...These are the ones with Potential? They're more childish then the children.[/i]" He thought as he sighed, dusting off his red coat as he looked at the group. "[b]...What...What are you?[/b]" Alice asked. "[b]Listen closely, we don't have a lot of time, so I can't explain everything right now. I am what you may call a Shadow. Through the Looking Glass, I have summoned you all here, to Wonderland. This place is a plane only accessed by the ethereal realm, or the planes of dreams if you will. In other words, you are still asleep in your world. However, this is still a dangerous place. Reality and its boundaries are irrelevant in this world, and while these woods somewhat safe, they are not going to be for very long.[/b]" The White Rabbit said. "[b]Woods? ...You mean, these aren't grasslands?[/b]" Alice asked. Adam looked up to the blue sky, and noticed something. "[b]Those are some trees...[/b]" Adam said. Alice looked at him and up towards the sky, and sure enough, the sky was being covered with the branches and leaves of giant, colossal even, trees, about 50 times bigger then normal trees. "[b]...What in the world!? Those trees are huge.[/b]" Alice said. "[b]No, we're all just small.[/b]" The Rabbit corrected. Adam looked at everyone else and noticed their....'variety', for lack of a better word. He knew at least one of them as a Police officer he's seen patrolling the city of London at nights. But he can't seem to find a good reason for why to choose them instead, literally, anyone else. "[b]Ignoring our size for a second, As everybody else pretty much asked, why are we here?[/b]" Adam asked. "[b]I'll explain later, right now we have to get to the Bastion. Like I said, it won't be safe here for very long. They should already know you're here by now.[/b]" The Rabbit said. "[b]What do you mean 'They'?[/b]" Alice asked. But the White Rabbit looked at the four still unconscious, seemingly ignoring Alice's question. "[b]I need three of the strongest of you to pick these people up, I would like to avoid anyone having a guilty conscience of leaving them for dead.[/b]" The Rabbit said to them.