Tablurath reclined in his chair enjoying his cup of tea as the transport smartly maneuvered through great arches of webbing as it headed toward the momentary field base of operations for the ground forces of Angar-Rylla who had thus far landed, which was mostly just made up of a number of landed drop ships. Just as he had ordered they had prepared well, fortifying a rather large earthen platform suspended a great deal higher than any of its neighboring rock formations. The comm system built into the holograph before him beeped a warning before a hard almost mechanical like voice was heard. "This is Beta team leader, Lord Cardinal do you read?" "Ah, Ivan Torrant, I trust everything is ready?" "Of course Lord, all teams are enroute to engage the target." "Excellent, just remember Captain, this is a level four Cryomancer, with power over the wind. He may have knowingly used up quite a bit of moisture in that tower of his but don't underestimate him." The voice on the other end chuckled. "Of course Cardinal, we've dealt with their kind before and we're now properly prepared." "Good, good, be sure to capture him alive or at least intact if you can, the data from his body is invaluable. Now has Alpha Team located the site of the anomaly?" "Not yet, seems there is a large energy source located deep within the pits that's causing a disturbance with radar devices." "Hmm, unfortunate, I'll have to locate Fury then in the meantime; he's more attuned to those sort of things." OS2K Drop ship Tablurath had boarded moments after Khold had made his quick exit pivoted and veered back over a column of rock formations that were circled by a dozen patches of trees joining the others to make a total of four drop ships of similar make were veering in on Khold's position. Tablurath could have easily continued fighting the man himself, but really there was hardly any need with a small fleet and thousands of men at his disposal. If anything it would be another test of what this Khold was capable of. So far Tablurath was rather unimpressed. Once the drop ships came into position hovering an easy 100 feet above the gulf Khold now stood within they formed a wide triangle formation with his current position at the center. The men who had landed earlier had already taken up positions on giant overlooking spider strands. [i]"This will be your only warning, surrender now under the order of the Angar Ryallan or you will be terminated with extreme prejudice."[/i]