[b]Aurora[/b] Was going to say something but the woman randomly grabbed her and took her somewhere she didn't know existed! She smile as they reached the cooking area. She liderly freaked out and jumped around, " I am Aurora!" she says with excitement. She was to hungry to listen to the people around her as she was freaking the hell out she wanted to cook something big and huge almost tall as a the sky! Aurora loved fantasies and that was her big one. She returned focus as she was seemingly was asked the same question, " Uhhh..Aurora " she says with a very odd look on her face but she really didn't mind, "Can I cook!" she says as she runs over to Mr.Pollux and gives him a hug! Aurora turned towards Mrs.Begay ands smiled. [b]This is going to be a fun year![/b] [img]http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lv6hf9FABU1qii6tmo1_400.gif[/img]