[b]Alice:[/b] Quickly spinning around the corner into the hallway, Alice began busting her gut with laughter over her latest victory. The target had spotted her momentarily, but he hadn't actually caught her in the act so she could still maintain a supposed innocence. Tucking a strand of hair between her fingers and fiddling with it for a moment, she wondered what exactly she was supposed to do now. She stretched out her wings lazily and floated above the ground, trying to see if she could remember any part of the introduction. No, she must have been asleep the whole time. The only solution was to head to the office then. As much as she liked to play the delinquent, being tardy on the first day would surely reach her father, and the man was not to be trifled with lately. Shuddering at the thought, she headed off in the direction she'd noticed a few other students heading, hoping to end up at the right destination. Eventually she came upon a door with a plaque labeling it as the main office, and without knocking, she tucked her wings back into herself and sauntered in confidently. There appeared to be a couple of students already there, along with a small child-like creature who was dressed like a lady in charge. "Yo!" she greeted the room with a two finger salute. "What the hell kind of thing am I supposed to be doing?" [b]Rachel[/b] Peeling through the hallways in a pair of sensible high heels was Rachel, late on the most important day of school. She charged down the hall to the office like a bull at a matador, nearly knocking into one or two students. "All right, this is the home stretch!" Barreling down towards the door with brow furrowed and breath heavy, she narrowed in on her target and spun around at the perfect moment, latching on to the just-closed door and flinging herself inside. "GOAL!" She screamed, throwing her hands up at the exact moment she plowed into Alice Borealis, knocking the demon girl into the desk with a thud and and falling herself on top of her. "Darn it, almost perfect." Picking herself up and turning a reproachful gaze at Alice, she tutted and shook her finger. "It's very rude to be in the way of your elders, you know."