When Rayn asked her how many years she had been fighting to protect herself, "Well... honestly... none... I was kind of always protected. By my dad, then my brother, then the two of them, and then my fiancé and the two of them... The three of them were driving me mental. They'd have summoned the whole army if I whispered of trouble." She smiled when he agreed to do it and hugged him, "Thank you." She pulled away and sat back, creating the space between them both, "I have never been allowed to protect myself... Is it weird that I am excited?" She nodded her head when he offered her the room in his home, "That sounds great... It'll help me pay you back as well... I can help out around the house a little. Even help you if you get hurt. I know a lot about healing... More than I do about fighting..." She shifted again, sitting cross-legged. She placed her hands in her lap and closed her eyes. She sat there for a little bit, listening and meditating. Her grandfather had been adamant that when she grew older that she remember to meditate and keep ties with the spirits. She half wondered if it was just to make her shut up and sit down for a bit when she was being rambunctious. But since he had passed on, she did just that. She took the time to sit and meditate.