[I] If I die young...bury me in satin...[/I] The lines of the song washed over Genesis without her hearing them, hard rock music full of screaming and drums pounded to the beat of her heart. Her eyes were closed as her feet swung and tapped to the beat. Oblivious to the noise she was making, Genesis didn't see the guy settle beside her and order a coffee. It wasn't until Bridgette set down a large T-bone steak and over easy eggs before her. The steak was easily the size of Genesis' palm, and blood seemed to be pooling beneath it and seeping towards her no doubt perfectly cooked eggs. [I] The sharp knife of a short life, oh well I've had just enough time [/I] Only once her food arrived did the young woman pull both ear buds out of her ears and wrapped the cord around her miniscule music player. As she had turned her head to remove her left earbud there had been a new addition to the counter. It was only a short moment, but she flashed him a perfectly white smile before she turned her attention back to her meal. "Ya need anything else, hun?" The brunette server smiled at her but Genesis shook her head before cutting into her bloody steak. It took her no time to shovel the first mouthful between her lips. An appreciative sort of sound come from the young woman as she chewed, the taste making her happier than anything she could possibly think of, well at the moment anyways. The guy beside her was new, a traveler she could guess, maybe he was the one who had drove the old RV through town last night. Thoughts of what she'd seen on her large surveillance screens last night made her nod to herself before she cut another piece of steak and forked it into her mouth. [I] ...Lay me down on a bed of roses Sink me in the river at dawn Send me away with the words of a love song...[/I] The song was so depressing, Genesis rolled her eyes as she chewed.