"Oh cool so we're like the bad guys cool looking minions?" it was less of a question and more of a confirmation of the company's direction. At least that is what she wanted to think. Akane's face hid the excitement she had being in a place that reminded her of an anime villain's evil company. A pat on the head and Seikou's comment about the president halted her constant sniffing. She was getting a little red just realizing how weird she looked. "I guess so. This place kind of stinks though." she stated matter of factly, but it wasn't unusual since most places stunk to her. It was only significant if she was truly disgusted by it. Eventually a few people came to join them. Akane was taken back by how quickly they seemed to be accepted. She didn't have any questions but did stay close to Seikou. If Flint wasn't able to tell them much Akane assumed there wasn't much of a reason to ask except for one question. "Um...what sort of building is it? Like an apartment?" she questioned wondering how careful they should be with collateral damage since innocents nearby could get hurt. Akane can exercise some restraint when necessary, but it was very difficult.