Sharon had had as bad a morning as she had expected. The manager, Ralph, was as 'hands on'' as possible, brushing up against her at every opportunity, as he 'showed her the job' . She had slept with managers in the past, when they intrigued her, but this one was disgusting and stupid. She assumed that he was someone's nephew and that was how he maintained his position. She knew he was not the owner, for he had admitted as much, when she asked. She made it a practice to make friends with owners of restaurants, since they trumped managers when it came to firing. Sharon only left a job when she was ready to do so, if she could help it. As it was, her feet were already sore, when it was about time for her son to show up, looking for grub. When it became one o'clock and he still had not made an appearance, she was slightly put out. She had been looking forward to seeing him, even if they would not have much of a conversation. Still, he was a grown man now, and she was not to concerned. Someone did come into the dinner that she found interesting though. It was a businessman, with a chiseled chin, dark brown hair trimmed just so and a rich blue business suit. He was yummy, and had a wedding band to boot. She usually took up with married men for two reasons. The first was that they did not expect anything from her except sex, possibly conversation and maybe a quick cuddle. They were generally not looking for marriage or a long term girlfriend. The second was that they were already broken in for her, by another female. She hated having to break a man, just to get a good fuck. She unbuttoned her top button, and put a knowing sway into her hips, as she walked over to where he was waiting at the bar. "What can I do for you sugar?" ---------------------------------------- Sheena had bumped into the cute boy boy without meaning to, but once she had was glad that it had happened. There had been a warmth, and electricity where their bodies touched. Her face crimson, she had rounded the end of the stacks, and then started to spy on him. She watched as he selected books on biology, went to the coffee shop and ordered his coffee. Obviously he was intelligent, as well as cute, given his choice of reading material. She haunted the romance section, watching him through the glass divider for hours. Around lunch time, he looked like he was winding up his studies, and getting ready to leave. Finally she worked up her nerve to walk into the coffee shop, order a coffee with almond milk, and ask if he minded if she sat with him. He had looked up at her with dreamy, almost black eyes. "Sure, have a seat. I'm Shadrack." He offered her his hand, and again the electricity was there when they touched. She took a seat, conscious of her own appearance. She was always conscious of it, and that was why she vomited up some many of her meals. Her doctor called it bulimia, but she knew he was full of shit. She was fat, compared to the pretty models in the magazines. Hopefully this boy could look beyond her weight issues. "Like in the Bible, with Shadrack, Meshack and Abedenego, right?" She smoothed out her brown blouse self consciously. "Uh, ya, I guess. And what's your name?" "Shenna. Shenna McKenzie. Pleased to met you." She almost reached out her hand again, and then pulled it back. He looked distracted, and was still looking at the pages in his book. She blushed when she saw what the pictures displayed. Maybe he was not reading them for the reasons she assumed? She did not care, as long as he paid attention to her. "So, your new around here. I could show you around, you know. I'm friends with basically everyone." It was a lie. She was a bit of a loner, and did not generally get along well with others. Still, it was a harmless fiction. He seemed to hesitate before he answered, which she took as a good sign. "I'm not sure Sheena. I'm pretty busy studying. Maybe another time." She felt a desperation come over her. He was the first boy that had been nice to her in along time. He could not be rejecting her now. "I didn't mean now silly!" She laughed, touching his arm with her fingertips. "I just mean when you are ready. I've a lot to get done myself. I've got papers to write for school and friends who I'm getting together with later." His next words relieved her stress. "Sure, maybe sometime." He smiled at her again, and it was like the sun rising on the blooming flowers. He would be hers! She could just feel it.