Yoro sat at his desk, half-listening to the lecture. He was wracking his brain trying to think of where the enemy could have possibly taken Takahiro. "Use your head... keep your eyes open..." Yoro mumbled. The sentence appeared inconsequential, but it sounded like the potential kidnapper was drawing attention to it. Perhaps Takahiro was being hidden somewhere obvious? Somewhere they could easily find him if they kept their eyes open... His train of thought was interrupted by the bell. School was over. Now, he had another headache to deal with; the punishment of the other SEES members. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yoro sat in his chair on the fourth floor's command room. The SEES members began to trickle in. Eventually, they were all there; all of them except Shirogane. Yoro let out a deep sigh. He was clearly irritated. Before the Chairwoman could point out he was absent, Yoro said "I'll deal with him later." With that, he looked up and addressed the group. "I would first like to express my extreme disappointment. Fukugawa and I were depending on all of you and you let us down. Luckily, we were able to beat the Shadow on our own, but it could have very easily gone the other way. We're supposed to be a team. It takes a team to accomplish our ultimate goal." He paused for a moment. "Now, on to the matter of your punishment." he looked down at a notepad he had in his lap. "First, you may all be aware that summer vacation is coming up next month. Well, you'll be spending most of it in summer school and doing community service. But for a more immediate punishment..." He looked at the notepad again. "Aki. You will be helping me with SEES logistics." He flipped through the notepad. "Silverstone." He said in English. "You will be handling all the shopping and cleaning for the dorm." He flipped through the notepad again. "Ranko. You will be going to the local senior center and spending time with one of their residents." He flipped through the notebook. "All the others have left, it seems. It's just as well." Yoro flipped to another section. "Now, Takahiro's rescue. I have been thinking about where he could possibly have been taken. I've been thinking about it a lot. I believe Takahiro may be somewhere inside of Tartarus. Thoughts?" --------------------------------------------------------------- The monorail screeched to a halt. Directions to your dorm room in hand, you walk off an onto the platform. "Nettu, Chiaki correct?" Chiaki would meet a man in a suit at the station. His voice was very cold and matter of fact. Once she confirmed her identity, the man would nod, motioning to a limousine down the steps and parked on the street. "Kirijo asked me to pick you up and make sure you made it to the dorm alright. If you'll follow me..." He turned and walked down the steps, opening the door at the back of the limo. Once she got inside, the man would shut the door and get into the driver's seat. They drove about fifteen minutes until they stopped at a multifloor building in the middle of Iwatodai. The man from the station opened the passenger door and led Chiaki up to the door. He opened it. "Mr. Kirijo is in a meeting at the moment. I'll see if I can get him down." The man took out a black flip phone and dialed a number, putting it to his ear. "Mr. Kirijo. Yes, she's here. I'm sorry to bother you, sir. Thank you." He hung up. Wait inside. He'll be down in a moment." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the middle of the meeting, Yoromatsu's phone rang. "Not now..." He answered. "Yes?" He paused. "Is it her?" Another pause. "I'm in a meeting at the moment, but i'll come down." He hung up. "Excuse me. I have a new recruit to deal with." He stood up and walked out of the command room. ---------------------------------------------- Chiaki would have been waiting in the lounge for less than a minute when a dark haired boy came down the stairs. He bowed respectfully. "Good afternoon. I am Kirijo Yoromatsu. I am one of the students who live in this dorm."