Alright, as you all obviously know, this is the CS, everyone will start at Level 40 and we will work from there, the Level cap is 100, so it will surely be a journey getting there. Anyway, we will be starting(once we have the majority of everyone ready.) on Floor: 34's Boss Room. We will all be apart of the raid party going in, and then we will be coiming out on Floor: 35. ::Character Sheet:: Name: Alias/Nickname:: Age: Gender: Country:(You do not have to be from Japan, the game in the Nervegear were released elsewhere in this Rp.) Brief Bio: Appearance(Remember, in SAO the Nervegear scans the users actual appearance and uses it in-game.) ::Skill Sheet:: Current Skills: (1-8) Weapons: Items: Equipment: ::Attributes List:: (You have 200 points to start off with. Please allocate them toward any attributes you wish. Your character must represent those attributes within the actual rp. The full scale for attributes is 1-500, 1 being the lowest and 500 being the highest.) Level: 40 -[0/1000 Exp] (This is the Exp requirement Bar, each kill will give a specific amount of Exp. You will need to keep track of this, it helps if you put this in your Signature. You don't have to of course, but it really helps.) Strength- Defense- Speed- Dexterity- Resistance- --- [hider= Rorik]::Character Sheet:: Name: Rorik (His real name is Allen.) Alias: None currently. Age: 24 Gender: Male Country: United States Brief Bio: Allen works at a Mine out of West Virginia and is an avid Roleplayer, this is what got him interested in getting the Nervegear and SAO. Appearance(Remember, in SAO the Nervegear scans the users actual appearance and uses it in-game.): [img=] ::Skill Sheet:: Current Skills: 1) One-handed Warhammers 2)Heavy Shields 3)Block 4)Heavy Armor 4)Sprint 5)Night Vision 6)Hammer-Skill Sunder 7)Sleuth[Beast] Weapons: Darksteel Warhammer(Refer to Appearance) Equipment: Darksteel Plate Armor and Darksteel Heavy Roundshield (Refer to Appearance) Items: He carries around a variety of crystals= Teleport Crystals x3, Antidote Crystals x 3 ::Attributes List:: (You have 200 points to start off with. Please allocate them toward any attributes you wish. Your character must represent those attributes within the actual rp. The full scale for attributes is 1-500, 1 being the lowest and 500 being the highest.) Level: 40 -[0/1000 Exp] Strength- 40 Defense- 60 Speed- 30 Dexterity- 40 Resistance- 30[/hider]