Kiri laughed lightly, covering her mouth playfully. “But Marius, essentially I lost and won at the same time now didn't I?” She stated the obvious, Ace's were both high and low. Of course that depended on the rules of the game, which is why they were like a joker sort of speak of the cards. Though she nodded to take it as her own victory anyways. “However, i'll still take that victory.” She stated as she moved threw the door only to stop as Yuki fell down before them. She listened calmly for a moment, blinking a few times as she looked over the young girl. “Well, we are heading to an urgent call. It seems the Gastrea will be more...potent then I thought. Originally I was hoping for just an easy way out...but it seems i'll have to see some of the new commers first had.” She stated but the looked to Marius for a moment. “i'm sure you can pick a car for us? It's not like the drivers will so easily just let me drive out to a known gastrea area. Father is...well I don't have to tell you.” She stated and looked to Yuki once more. “You should look for Flint at the address I sent him. Be sure to send him a text. We'll be sure to figure out a way to make you meet all the new members.” She stated as she patted Yuki's head lightly. She was more intersted in protecting her people then she was in letting them meet up though. She didn't care to much about it. “if anything i'm sure mister Hido will be more then able to help you guys out. I mean he is the VP and what does he do? Eat donuts. What a disgusting guy.” She stated as she moved towards the location of the 3 cars that were up for grabs. One red, one black and one white. All three were luxury cars, giving off a sort of mafia feel, and all three were seemingly surrounded by jeeps and other vehicals since the PMC's decided to kick up a notch. It was almost as though her father was getting way too over board with these things. She just sighed as she looked to the well Armed Yuki once more. “I'll be sure to get us all a big dinner too at my place to welcome all those who pass.” She stated with a warm smile.