[b][u]Yuki[/u][/b] Listening to Kiri and being patted. [i]So Flint went on ahead. Hmph! He didn't even contact me.[/i] Yuki enjoyed the pat, and turned in the direction they were to go in. She started sending a text, that said "You didn't call me or text me at all! Watch out tonight!!". Yuki turned back to Kiri. [quote=Kiri] She just sighed as she looked to the well Armed Yuki once more. “I'll be sure to get us all a big dinner too at my place to welcome all those who pass.” She stated with a warm smile. [/quote] "Yay!!! Make sure there's cake please!" She requested, before dashing off. She jumped up onto some rooftops again. They were only a few stories tall, nothing too high. if they were too high, it would be bad for landing on the ground. She could break some of the impact, but besides the breaking of some bones which will heal up quickly, was the damage to the ground. Collateral damage was not something she wanted. Quickly she caught up to Flint. Landing in front of the group, as they were getting closer to the warehouse where the job was, Yuki brushed her clothes lightly. "Baka Flint! Why didn't you tell me the new recruits were here." She pouted a little. She then turned to Seikou and Akane. Yuki thought she had seen them once before, but she may have been mistaken. "Nice to meet you, I am Kirihaya Yuki. You must be the new recruits! If you pass today, I hope we can get along. Oh, we are going to the President's place if you pass" she smiled. She looked at them, analysing their responses and their character. It would seem Seikou was a bit difficult to read, and a man of few words. --- [b][u]Seikou[/u][/b] [quote=Flint] "Now whilst we are walking you may as well tell me your names and what skills you have." Flint turned down a dark looking street, the place looked abandoned and most of the homes where boarded up. [/quote] "Kazama Seikou, years exterminating Gastrea." Seikou replied, gripping onto his Varanium gunblade, set in gun mode. He turned to Akane, indicating for he to introduce herself, and to see if there were Gastrea around. She should be able to sniff them out, and she should know the information he wanted. Whether or not he should get his AUG out or not, based on distance and type. After looking at Akane for a quick moment, dust flew up, he turned to the direction of the dust and there was a young girl brushing her clothes. [i]Must be his initiator[/i] he thought, seeing her start telling Flint off. She then turned and introduced herself as Kirihaya Yuki. [i]Yuki ... no, it can't be. Right?[/i] Seikou was in doubt that she was from the same school as his daughter, Magata Elementary School. He responded to the introduction with only his name "Kazama Seikou". Turning to Akane, and leaning in a bit, "Do you think it's possible she is the same Yuki Nanako spoke of?" he whispered. His face was rather stiff, hard to read any expression from.