There they all stood, the fresh meat of Sanctum, the new recruits to the Basic Probational Assistance Program. These young men and women were the future of not only Sanctum but the world, though Tracey Gordon, wasn't too sure. He knew all too well what it took to become a Sanctum Officer, and to be quite frank, many of these kids didn't seem to stack up, but it wasn't his call. He simply followed orders. He stood in front of the restless group, though they all said nothing so far. They just stood there. Did they know what to expect? Gordon sure didn't during his tenure in the BPAP. Nevertheless, his thoughts vanished when Fiidow Warsame nudged him with a not so subtle elbow. "You nervous?" Warsame asked, he was tall (around six foot five) and thin. He was dressed in the armor of a Sanctum Officer, helmet included. He had pale white skin, and orange hair, with sharp green eyes. His voice was somewhat deep, and almost had the linger of some untraceable foreign accent. He looked to his comrade, Animal. It was so strange seeing him in disguise, even more strange himself. These morph suits were definitely incredible technology. "A little," he sighed. "Though I think they're more nervous than anything." Animal observed the faces of some of the members of this new team. They all seemed so young, so inexperienced to this world they were entering. Some of them certainly had scars, whether visible or not, but scars are only ghosts of what used to be there. Animal knew they'd have a lot more than that by the end of this for better or for worse. "Maybe, but they've also gotta be excited. They're all so caught up in their own worlds right now, at least...that's how I was." Warsame had been apart of the BPAP only five years ago, making him one of the newest and youngest Sanctum Officers. He had no idea why Bella allowed him to be an overseer, but he certainly took note in her trust. "Eh...I don't know," Animal answered without much enthusiasm. "It's been a while since I was in their place. Still..." Animal looked to Warsame. "Hard to imagine it's much different."