There was a mix of emotions in that room. Anxiety, excitement, apprehension, fear… Hope. These emotions gently stirred around her, for now, her comrades seemed to have themselves in check. Their feelings were not all that different from any other exam or test environment, perhaps a bit more heightened, but not nearly enough to bother the empath. The line was reasonably straight, their attention on their instructors. The instructors were the most difficult to read, as it was with more mature and disciplined minds, as well as the fact as the instructors were neutral to their presence. They had no emotional attachment to this line of recruits. The young titans were just another line-up, and when they were done with their training the instructors would have a new lineup and do the exact same thing again, and again and again. Repetition tended to create apathy. The easiest person to read, was of course, the student right next to her. Magara stood so close to them she thought she could feel the beat of their heart. Magara herself stood at the very end of the line, small and dark, her eyelids lazily sunk halfway down over her dark grey eyes, her hair tucked under tightly under a black scarf wound around her head. It was really Carl who capped off their end of the lineup. He sat beside her at attention with his tail still and curled around his bottom, his nose in the air, his black fur perfectly shiny and flat along his back, ears pointed forward, chestnut eyes attentive and alert. She had washed him the night before, wanting him to look and feel his best for today. He was very calm, this type of formation was familiar to him, he had been in so many lineups before when he had been in the military. He knew exactly what to do, and hoped that he set a good example for the greener recruits (Carl assumed he was back in the military). He patiently waited for instructions from his dearest human. Magara took her cues from her calm canine companion. She moved her hand a few inches to touch the fur of his neck. Carl was the most relaxed presence in the room. She sought to share that emotion with him. She was unused to this environment, but it seemed simple enough. They told her to stand in the line, so she stood in a line, and waited until they told her what to do next. She sought to be as patient and calm as Carl, while waiting for the next chapter of her life to begin.