Ambrose stood at attention stuck in between Magara and Ming, which he didn't particularly mind. They smelled nice enough, he thought to himself. Ambrose could see that many of the others were definitely nervous, peaking his head out and down the line every now and again. Nervousness wasn't really his style, of course he had a small sensation of anxiety, he wouldn't be human if he hadn't. But he figured that things that can't be helped aren't worth dwelling on. He was here now, with the rest of them. After today, they'd be a team for a while. So he figured he'd get comfortable. "Nice dog," he mused in a hushed tone, as he looked over to Magara, not really expecting a response given her nervousness. He faced back forward, smiling to himself. He hadn't seemed to attract the attention of the two overseers, not that they were paying too much attention anyway.