Cora stood at attention with the other recruits, but she kept her hands in her pockets and slouched. She kept the shadows in the room close to try and minimize glare, but no matter what she did, everything was just too bright. People lived with spotlights on them all the time, but it never bothered them. No, she just had to be the lucky one and be able to see in the dark. Great power for when she was on her own, but apparently people [i]liked[/i] being out during the daytime for whatever reason. So the only thing Cora could do was stand there under the blinding lights and wait.

She was next to someone who looked as though he belonged on the news, being a newsworthy story or something. She didn't really like watching TV too much, but when she could turn the brightness down on them she would watch bits and pieces of news. It wasn't often she'd come across a television like that though, so most of the news came with very little context. There was also a girl with a dog, and it looked like the dog was well trained. Cora hadn't ever seen a dog sit that still before, or even seem to be paying that much attention to the speakers. The dog was more used to the military-like line up they were in than she was.

Cora really just wanted to get on with the dumb thing already, the whole standing around bit they were doing right now only served to make her angry.