Nathan was confused, the sedatives were wearing off. After the event at Alaska, Nathan had been taken over here and they said they had to do a "necessary implant", whatever that was. As he looked around lazily, the sedatives finally loosing their grip on his mind he noticed two things. Firstly that he was in a lineup with lots of kids around his age, if a bit younger. Secondly he was at the end of the end of one side of the lineup, with a girl next to him. She wasn't too tall but she had a "Screw the world" air about her, hopefully she wasn't too mean. That might cause problems. As he looked down the line he saw at the other end there was a small girl with a dog. Nathan liked dogs. In Nathans sedative addled mind, all he wanted to do was go over there and pet that dog. But that thought line came to a halt once his body started clocking overtime and started to burn up the sedatives pretty quickly. However with most of the sedatives gone, Nathan noticed a faint stinging in his arms and looked at them for the first time in what seemed like forever. They were covered in gauze and at the tips of were the gauze ended he could see the burn scars from...the accident. Nathan felt a pang guilt, the damage he had caused would cost the family and the local government much, all because he got angry. No matter, what happened is in the past and there is no changing that, there's no use living in it. With that in mind, Nathan straitened up his stature and waited, hoping no one talked to him until the sedatives completely left his body.