"Okay, that's weird," Hayleigh murmured with worry as the rabbit morphed into black goop or whatever the heck it just did, and when it reformed she hesitated to go closer to the creature again. Why the heck did the White Rabbit call himself a 'Shadow'? Everyone here was in a dream world, but at the same time they were apparently sound asleep in their beds. Or in her brother Arthur's case, likely facedesk'd due to lack of caffeine. It was pretty clear by now that they weren't in charge here. Hayleigh wasn't even sure her mind could conjure something this magnificent or surreal. Dreams weren't easy to remember, but this one was sticking in her mind as clearly as a moment in everyday life. That one Japanese guy thought he could manipulate this place, himself, due to it being nothing but a dream. Super Strength apparently wasn't allowed here... "One at a time! You're not a super hero... Let me help." Hayleigh said as she strolled over to Kouichi's side, leaning down and grabbing underneath one of the unconscious' arms, "Can you take their legs? I don't really want to drag the poor sod all the way to wherever we're going," she asked Kouichi. It was a no-brainer. These people were in danger according to the White Rabbit. To leave them here wouldn't only be ignorant as hell, but.. quite rude! (It can be anyone that they're gonna pick up really ;o) Arthur rubbed his head and stepped over to his sister and the Japanese kid, eying the ones who hadn't woken up yet. You'd think that Kouichi would have woken them up by lifting and dropping them all back on the grass like that, but~... "I'll take one. No sense in leaving them here..." he muttered, nodding at a silent Cronic as he too began hauling one of the sleepy heads away. This felt like it was going to be a long night... Not giving much thought to how rough it might feel, Arthur picked up one of the unconscious and threw them over his shoulder. If danger was on its way, there wasn't much time for formality. (Again, whoever Arthur picked up is up to them) "By all means, lead the way Rabbit. We're no good out in the open, are we?" Arthur shrugged with one shoulder and began to follow after Cronic.