Bruce stood between a kid who looked like he was trying to fill the room with sweat, and some girl who he hadn't gotten a good look at yet(what a shame...). He was just starting to get annoyed with their handlers, or whatever they should be called. They were standing up there, just murmuring quietly to themselves while all of the newbies had to stand here quietly. His patience was short lived, and when it ran out, he desynced, slowing his own personal time. He saw the effect immediately. The minor swaying or shifting or slight motions of those around him suddenly sped up drastically, so that it looked like he was looking at a room on fast forward. Meanwhile, those who looked at him would see someone standing almost still, seeming to take only one breath a minute, and not blinking at all. In this state, he watched and waited for any cue that things were about to start moving.