Sun filtered in through a crack in the silk curtains, and from a pile of twisted sheets and luxurious duvet, came a groan. Her body ached from last night's abuse and her head ached from the alcohol. With a stumbling step, Genesis moved to the bathroom and turned the faucet for the hot water. Steam swirled up from the water as the young woman stripped and slipped into the nearly boiling water. The heat made her skin red as she soaked in it until was tolerable. Her phone vibrated against the marble countertop and Genesis groaned. She knew it was her mother, and she knew she didn't want to speak with her. All she would do was rail against her and treat her like a child. -------- [I] Trapped...[/I] I wasn't where I remember being last, and when I tried to remember where that was, my head hurt more. All I could feel was cold metal around me, steel bars like a cage, and they were so cold. It was so cold in the room, I wasn't sure where my coat was, I was wearing it last thing I remembered. I closed my eyes again trying to remember what happened, but everything is blurry. I was in the park and I was walking home, I shouldn't have been out so late, but I didn't care. Hemlock Grove was safe, especially with all those security camera's, right? And then I can't....see it clearly. It all blurs into this place, this hell I was in now. I could hear footsteps, they were getting closer. I tried to scream to them to help me, to save me, but I was so thirsty it barely came out as a squeak. What if I die in here? I feel tears slip down my cheeks as a mechanical whirring sound behind me buzzes to my attention. The small cage they had me in lifted up, and I felt the chains attached to my legs and arms start to stretch. I whimpered but nothing happened until I was spread eagle on the cold metal floor. The place was still pitch black, and when I heard the door open, I knew nothing good was about to happen.