Adam let out a deep breath. He had no patience today. First agreeing to an arranged marriage, and now having to deal with a blood sucker who could not keep his flap shut. It was wearing on his last nerve. Though he wasn't sure if he was angry at the vampire or at how he couldn't seem to control his life today. With an air of calm he did know he still possessed, he dragged a stool to the middle of the front and sat down. His eyes followed the conversation, however the rest of him was as still as a statue. A few students noticed this and began to cough into their hands in attempts to call their class. After a few moments the class quieted down and yet Adam still did not move. Ruffling of paper,the sounds of people fidgeting, and a few scattered coughs were all that could be heard. "I did not know," Adam reached up and pulled his hair out of its ponytail and began to run his fingers through it as if he was getting comfortable. "I should probably get a hair trip soon." He commented as he looked at the ends of his hair. "So many split ends..." His brown eyes snapped back to the class with a flash of gold. "I did not know," he started again, this time his voice was deep, an almost growl, that had students moving back in their chairs. "That I was teaching JUNIOR high. I did not realize that I was here to teach a bunch of 5 year-olds!" He got up and walked to the door and opened it. "If you do not know how to behave in my class without me having to give you direct instructions in mannerisms, then here is the damn door. See yourself out of my course!" The class stared blankly at him, some out of fear, some out of awe. No one moved. A red wolf bound through the open door and skid to a stop. Avril's bright blue eyes scanned the room before landing on Adam. Where the hell was she? Something she could not describe pulled her to this room, yet once she was inside she forgot why she decided to come in. The rows of people around and above her began to panic and scream, Some went as far as to pull their feet up off the floor. As if that would save them if she decided to attack, she huffed. Adam stared at her for a few moments them mumbled under his breath, "Fuck..."