Avril back away as Amanda approached her. A growl pulled her lips away from her teeth, revealing her sharp fangs. There was no where for her to run, a wall was beside her and to her left, and another werewolf blocked her exit. Without thinking about it, she put weight on her hurt paw and let out a whimper.

"Everyone out!" Adam let a little bit of alpha slip into his tone. A command that the humans in the class began to obey before they even knew the command. "Quickly." He hissed. Despite his last command, the class still took longer to leave then he wanted. Still, the room cleared within a minute. Once the last human had left, he shut the door and pulled the blind down.

Avril had dark spots around her eyes, indicating that she had been crying. Her human mind was slowly coming back now that she was no longer in a flight mode. A bushy hair girl still crept towards her slowly, the vampire in the middle of the room made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, and the other wolf was a pressing force that made her want to roll onto her back.

"You will calm down! You will allow this girl pull the glass out of your hide." Adam said in full alpha mode. His eyes glowed a bright gold and his teeth sharpened.

Avril whimpered but obediently laid on her stomach and laid her head in between her paws. 

"Go ahead." Adam told Avril before turning to the vampire. "You... You need to go to the back of the room. She is young and you make her wolf want to take over. The further away you can stay, the less likely she will be to take a bite out of your human blood bag." He hissed the last bit with venom.