Persephone blushed as Alex added slyly before Urick answered her "Bet you wish you did though eh?" She looked away from Alex so she wouldn't know she did blush. She didn't want to give Alex that victory of knowing her desires to know Gippal more. Urick answered her with A nod and said "It is hard to forget a big bright smile like that on a little girl. How have you been?" She smiled and said " I've been doing well thank you. But everyone is small compared to you Urick. How have you been?" Urick smiled slightly and nodded "True, besides that woman over there with the red hair. Not many people as tall as me." He looked forward on the path they walked on. "I've been well, this last year was good to Gippal and I." She smiled brightly. " That is good to hear! You should tell me when we get the chance where you've been!" Smiling mischievously she added, "I'm sure Alex would love to hear about that as well." She gave him a nudge with her hip. At which he only raised an eyebrow. Before he could say anything they noticed a woman get pushed down, at which Urick moved over quickly and took care of it. There then appeared a fiend and that as quickly dispatched by woman who had a chocobo. There was defiantly a lot goon on around her and it was hard to follow at times. Then To top it off the woman and Gippal where thrown into the water by her chocobo. After a minute Gippal and her stood up. She felt relief to see he was ok. She looked back to Urick and the woman and decided to go with them for a bit. As she jogged over she heard about finding a place to stay and she jumped in next to them and added" most of the villagers allow the visitors to stay in their homes for the night because of the business the crowds give them it's the least they could do. I have an extra bed in my home if you wish to stay there! Also I'm Really sorry about that man shoving you. Not all people in Besaid act like that... Quite the opposite really." She the slapped her forhead and then said quickly. " I'm sorry again I'm being rude, my name is Persephone!" She held out a hand in front of Urick as they walk to shake her hand. " what is your name?"