Bella stood in front of the students, studying them one last time. Slowly, she took off her helmet. The sound of air being released filled the room with a hushed whisper, as Bella changed from a blonde woman, into one with brown hair. Instantly her eyes shifted to a dark brown, and her skin a mocha color. Her eyes narrowed, as she took a breathe. "You are all here today, as the newest members of the Basic Probational Assistance Program," she began- and immediately her voice commanded respect there was a harsh tone buried within her feminine voice. Though she was still young, the woman carried with her an experience that arguably no one else in the room had. She continued. "The lives you knew, for better..." Her glance switched from one student to the next, a vigorous tension forming through their mutual eye contact. "Or for worse are behind you. After tonight, you will not carry your burdens onto this team, for the burden of one is the burden of all." "Some might call us superheroes, some even call us Titans, but we are neither. Before you are a hero or a criminal, you are a soldier. Before you are a sister, or brother, or lover, or child, you are a soldier. Before you are a titan, you are a soldier of Sanctum." She stepped closer to the recruits now, walking past each one inspecting them all personally. "Now, tonight you do not know what that means, but by the end of your training here, you will. That is why, in the presence of your superior, you salute, just like you did here today." As she said this she made her way to Feng Kahale, without saying anything to him directly, she straightened his arm and his posture, making his salute more precise in the process. "At ease recruits," she stepped back allowing the group to lower their hands.