Dropping his salute, Lenny crunched his neck, twisting it back and forth. He had been standing at attention for quite some time, and formalities were the least of his specialties. "Heh. He got straightened." He thought to himself, smiling lightly. This thought preoccupied him for a moment, before he focused on what the woman had said. Even through his own casual demeanor, one thought rang through his head. "Your lives, for better or for worse, are behind you." Lenny pondered on that for a moment, with memories of his life being replayed like an old tape. Sitting on his stoop with his older brother. His first baseball game. Watching the stars by the bridge. Friends from juvenile detention. All of those were parts of his life. And all of that was behind him now. It was an eerie feeling, and he shivered a bit.