As the woman, their superior spoke, Cora rolled her eyes. She didn't salute like the other pansies in the room, either. No, to Cora, you earned the right to be respected. Rank meant nothing to her until she understood why they had it. So, instead of saluting and being respectful, Cora started to make her hand into a crocodile, moving her fingers up and down as the woman spoke. She mouthed the words, "blah blah" as she did so, rolling her eyes. [i]Soldiers ain't nothing but dogs. You love your dog, but you'll send him after intruders first. Most of my superiors will likely never need to see the front lines, but... I do get training out of this program. Well, if they want me to be a brainless soldier, they're gonna have to work at it.[/i] Cora smiled and adjusted her sunglasses on her face. [i]They're gonna have to[/i] really[i] work at it.[/i]