Animal noticed that one recruit was mocking the salute, and action he had hoped Bella didn't see. He wasn't sure who this girl was, but it wasn't wise to anger Bella Nunez, there was a reason she was in charge. People respected her, and some definitely feared her. She was a human among titans, leading them- that alone was enough to justify her position. Animal just sighed to himself. Hope as he might that Bella didn't notice she did, and made her way over to the girl. She reached out for his wrist, in an attempt to stop her gesture. "Enough recruit!" Her eyes widened slightly. "This organization is about saving lives. If you're here to play games then see yourself out now..." Her words had a harsh tone laced within, her eyes not leaving the teen girl for even a minute. She understood that she was distrusting of organizations like this after reading up on her files. "You keep screwing around, and you're going to end up getting people killed. You're a soldier now. Whatever happened to you before--drop it. You show me that weakness, I'll push you--you show it to the people we're trying to stop, and they'll end you." Bella released her hand, hoping her message got through at least someone. She wasn't going to change this girls mind in one day, but she would at least show the team that respect is not-negotiable. To disrespect the people you fight along side, is to do a disservice to yourself. "I hope there are no more objections, and that you'll all think of what I've said." She straightened herself out before stepping back next to Animal and Guardian. "Now, as I said, tonight is about letting go of the past and embracing your new life here. There won't be any training for the night." Bella gave a small smile to the group, she wanted to scare them, but she didn't want to inspire distrust, she just wanted to make sure that they knew the gravity of the situation, but of course it would take more than a few words to emphasize that point.