Linn watched in awe at the complexity of the suits. How clever. Better than a secret identity or a mask it was becoming a completely different person. She would have never guessed that the woman was anything that she was when her helmet was on, if anything her new form made her look fiercer and the urge to listen to what she said intently and hold on to every word grew intently. That was until she uttered the word [b]Soldier[/b]. She had plenty of family in the Army or in some armed force. But she never had the urge to do so herself, nor did she understand why anyone would want to become on. Whenever she saw them walk down the street or when her father proudly hung the newest propaganda poster wanting people to join she just shake her head. The army caused many of her family members to take their lives. So no she is not a soldier. Linn always saw Sanctum as something different. They were protectors of the human race, they were blessed with natural selection to make them somewhat superior and that was given to them for a reason. To protect her family and those she cared about. That’s all she wanted to do no need for stupid labels. That is what they were, call it what they want she was no soldier. [i]‘If you say that people will think you have some fucking God Complex...’[/i] She knew that was what people would think of her so she held her tongue but, she did not have one. It was just simply what she believed. She snickered slightly as she lowered her salute as glancing up at the girl who was mocking the superior woman. She was doing just as Linn was thinking. [i]‘Now there’s someone who has earned my respect.’[/i]