"With that," she continued. "I would like to introduce you to Vita." Bella made a few swipes on the tablet, before a small holographic sphere shaped drone entered the conference room, coming up in front of her. The sphere was blue in color, and had few bits of data fragments, mostly sequences of numbers, floating around it. There was a small light, which could, with anyone's best guess, perhaps serve as the optical unit of the program. "Hello, I am the Virtually. Intelligent. Tactical. Analysis unit, or as the commander has referenced me- Vita, an phonetic pronunciation of the acronym V.I.T.A." The female voice spoke with simulated vocal inflections, the synthesized voice merely mimicking actual emotion. However, it had a certain calmness to it, a caring that was most comparable to that of a mother. Bella stepped forward slightly, now beside this 'Vita' program. "Vita is one of Sanctum's most useful officers. She will provide tactical advice during missions... but for tonight Vita will serve as your tour guide along with Animal and Guardian. As well, Dr. Bonnie Walker, our staff psychologist will be working with Vita to provide you all a comfortable environment with which to become familiar with your new team." Bella kept her stern tone while speaking, making sure to establish that this was still not a vacation. This was a training facility. "I'd recommend getting down there now recruits. Tomorrow, you will begin your training...Guardian." Bella nodded to Fiidow Warsame, as he gave a salute. "Animal," She looked now to Tracey Gordon who followed the lead of the other overseer. "Take them to the Bap base," she directed at them both, before letting herself out of the room. Animal and Guardian has much different approaches to Bella, and it's largely why she appointed them the roles of overseer. She knew the recruits would be more than capable under their tutelage.