Hey everyone, I am just describing the looks of the base. To speed that I'll up I'll just post the info here. The general color scheme of the base is a pure and futuristic white and black, with some blue HID lights trimming furnishing and the walls. The base includes an infirmary, private rooms for each team member, labeled with their superhero identity. It also includes a training room, which is largely empty aside from an observation deck behind a plexiglass, this room is used mostly for sparring. Then there is a weight room which is basically designed like a gym with weights and what not. The living room is already described in the IC, but there is also a black grand piano here as well. The kitchen is pretty basic, aside from the fridge which is explained. There is an activity room which has a few arcade games, and a pool table, as well as a table for cards. Lastly there is a study room, which features a few bookshelves, and desks as well as two computers. Overall just keep in mind the base is supposed to look very futuristic and incredibly expensive, so not anything similar to typical military standards. But yeah, feel free to post now, sorry about all that info I had to add haha.