Press followed the group into quite the room. Plenty of luxuries around, naturally, including a large couch, flat-screen tv, even an friendly AI. He got a feeling that it would get even better from here. Maybe there'd be a place where he could beta test his gadgets before using them in the field, which there probably would be. He went past the living room and moved on to what appeared to be an empty room, plus an observatory deck with glass, probably plexiglass. This would be perfect. He unlocked his storage cube and brought up the menu. He attempted to bring out his armor, and felt a pain on his head when the armor appeared above him and landed on his head. Press swore and pushed it off him, while realizing that there'd be another bug to fix on his cube. He brought up an armor stand and set his armor on it, then got to work trying to work out bugs and glitches in it. Meanwhile, Horus had flown off his shoulder when the armor landed on Press and flew back into the living room. It landed on a table in the corner, surveying the room.