First is the worst, second is the best, thrid is the one with the treasure chest.... Woo! i'm rich :D [hider=CS as of yet] Name: Serenity Davis Race: Human/Elf half-blood Age: 19 Gender: Female Profession/Role/Position: Game programmer and code freelancer Appearance: [img=] Usually wears some sort of skirt or dress all in the name of comfort. Has thick hair that she likes to keep above her shoulders that matches her brown elvish eyes. There are no signs of any piercings or scars. Equipment: An electronic tablet with a subscription to any and all current, future, and past books. A portable 10 gig laptop filled with current code projects and multiple tech junkie software. roughly 6.4 gig remains. a small light brown satchel handbag filled with various connection cables for her laptop as well as her money and identification. Implants: A small wireless hotspot and the equivalent of google glasses built in to her vision. Magic: not really gifted in the magical arts, but has some skill with magically pulling objects toward her. Also can heal most minor wounds in a few moments. Personality: Not very talkative and rather quiet, but loves people and animals. loves the outdoors and can often be found asleep wile reading a book. Bio: Born of an elvish maiden and an Texas gentleman (better than a regular gentleman btw....). Has lived in various places around Texas, including Dallas, Mesquite, and even some small towns here and there. Finally got her own apartment a month after her birthday, June 15th, and has lived alone with an orange and white Persian cat ever since. Misc: An orange and white persian cat named Wilson. One bedroom apartment with kitchen, full bath, and living quarters. A roommate named Sláine Sirona. Company/Organization: Currently works on contract for Fun and Unique Computer Korp, where their employ's motto is to "grab the cash and dash". they currently make apps and games for any and everything and manages all expenses through off-shore bank accounts. They don't care who is what race as long as you work cheep and get the job done.[/hider]