And fourth gets nothing! Darn... [hider= Oh hey, my CS] Name: Victor Vladov Race: Half Devil Age: 31 Gender: Male Profession/Role/Position: Self Employed Detective Appearance: [img=] Equipment: Victor has been around a few scrapes, and needs some equipment suitable for the job. His go to choice is two paired [url=]Kimber Custom[/url] sidearms, customized suitably to the half devil's preferred look. With reinforced slides, hair triggers, and smooth action, these .45's are deadly enough without being able to accept a variety of enchanted or mundane ammunition, which he keeps a stockpile of in his office, hard locked with a combination only know to Victor. When the enemy gets up close and personal, Victor is more than capable of getting down and dirty with his fists. But why bother getting your fists all bloodied up on some ugly gang banger's face when you can drop them with a Stun baton, modified to be collapsible. Normally non lethal, Victor has the strength and speed to make blows from this weapon more than lethal, should he focus on trying. He knows the amount of hackers out and about would love nothing more than to hack a tablet or smart phone, so he opts to instead use pen and paper, which they have to physically lift off of him, difficult when he keeps it secured in a very private location. He also has a badge stating his qualification as a private detective, which used to be his badge with the police force, but this was easily modified so it didn't count as a problem with the current police force. Implants: The only 'Implant' that Victor has is at the base of his neck, a black gem carved with runes that prevent him from accessing the majority of his demonic heritage, only able to call up what his father's gift was, Shadowmelding. Obviously, he can't just remove the gem, or he would die from the backlash, but there is always a way to undo magic like that, one just needs to find the means... Magic: Partial Shadowmelding: His father was not a fighter, but one that acted as a scout, and he can naturally blend into shadows if he focuses, fading from view. But the gem in his neck severely restricts the powers he can actually call upon, and instead can only fade from view, rather than fully vanish, or actually travel from pool of shadows to pool of shadows, striking from a dozen places near instantly, as many shadow demons are feared for doing when confronted in a battle. The black gem in his neck prevents him from accessing more abilities, but should the time come, these abilities are what the half devil knows is missing, from research and rare encounters with unlimited ones, before putting them down more often than not. Hellfire: The classic fire and brimstone of myth, most demons who go to war know how to conjure up this infernal flame, even the scouts like his father, should they be forced into a corner. The most common application is a ball or stream of pure hellfire, dousing the victim in nigh unquenchable flames, burning through most material, given enough time. But that time can be used to remove the burning material, preventing the spread onto the rest of the body or further material, potentially severally weakening its effect. Victor would be able to channel Hellfire into his paired pistols, coating the pistols in blackish fire and, instead of bullets, small bolts of hellfire are launched instead, penetrating weaker material and combusting within, or scattering on harder surfaces and burning from there. True Shadowmelding: The true capabilities of shadowmelding are unleashed, and Victor can attain a near perfect invisibility if he remains motionless, or travel from spot to spot. He is only a half breed, and this taxes him far more than the partial Shadowmelding did, and he can only travel once or twice without risking serious internal, and external, damage, on a daily basis, at best. He can no longer access what his partial Shadowmelding was, having to rely on the more taxing true form now. Personality: Victor is a joker, easy to get along with when off the job, but with a stubborn streak a mile wide, the half devil is not easy to get off a job. He'll take most kinds of work, specializing in tracking down the stuff that doesn't want to be tracked down, and it shows. He doesn't know when to back down, bullheaded and sometimes easy to anger, more than ready to draw guns and open fire, relying on his half blooded nature to get out of a tight spot when it comes down to the line. He isn't cocky about his abilities, but he is confident, which some people confuse the two, but while he is hotblooded, he isn't suicidal and can tell when he absolutely can't win in a situation. But don't expect him not to come back later, waiting out back with a baseball bat to avenge himself with. Bio: Victor Vladov doesn't talk overly much about himself, the most he will tell folks that his mother got swindled and bamboozled into taking demon shaft, and now hates both him and any non humans, but the story is a bit more complicated than he is letting on. His father was indeed a demon, but not some charismatic, silver tongued being that talked his way into his mother's pants. The devil had no name, not being of high enough standing or rank to actually have earned one, sworn to a cadre of demons that the very existence of were shadowy and unsure. More familiar with shadows than anything else, this nameless Demon rose through the ranks, and spied this human female as a prize worth taking. So from the shadows he came, introducing himself to the terrified woman. He romanced her, awkwardly as some bystanders to their meetings would tell you, and their relationship ended with the recalling of his father, and the birth of their son, Victor Vladov, half breed devil. The demon never told his mate that he was a demon, lying to her about his true nature, never telling the truth to anyone. His mother, realizing now that the boy's father was not some special kind of mage, but a full blown demon, cursed his name and the baby that she had given birth to. Half breeds weren't uncommon, but his mother hated anything that was not pure human, and herself felt violated that she had been used so by a filthy demon. She planned on abandoning the child, but her brother took the boy from her, who as the Uncle of the child, could take custody of. Contacts in the police force helped as well, and Victor never knew much of his mother, beyond her brazen racism and special hatred for demons now. One would think these things would prove traumatizing for such a young child, but it would not turn out that way. While he was getting transferred to his Uncle, via the bureaucratic mess that was the paper work for a half devil child with no known father, he was implanted with a black gem at the base of his neck. This was actually an attempt on his life by a human supremacist instructed by his mother to do, and the black shard would have killed a full demon outright. All this did, however, was seal his nascent powers, or most of them. It was not a full gem, of whatever the make was, so it did not totally seal his powers. He still had access to the physical advantages, the abnormal strength, speed, resiliance to punishment and, assumed, was longevity. However, most of his powers that required manifesting were untouchable, just causing searing pain to the half devil if he tried, and rapidly gave up on it, as the gem grew to match his size as he grew up, organically growing so it didn't fall out. His Uncle had been in charge of the investigative department of the Houston PD, and raised the boy to follow in his footsteps. Another person just trying to secure their own legacy, rather than raise the boy, but Victor learned quickly that, in this world, you looked out for yourself, or you were serving to the will of others. As a kid in school, one of the few that would accept a half devil, he had gotten into a lot of fights, over his heritage, his lack of real parents, all sorts of things really, and sometimes for no plain good reason. Rather than try and change this, his Uncle chose to teach him how to fight so no one would screw with him. It worked, after he hospitalized some bully for harassing another young girl. Granted, he needed to be transferred, but it had to be quite the memory for all parties involved. Getting out of high school, on his Uncle's recommendation, he went to the Police Academy to train to be a Detective. The Academy wasn't easy for him, a regimented life style was not what he was used to, but he did dig the idea of helping others, so he stuck through with it. He excelled in the combat training aspects, from marksmanship to hand to hand, as well as using equipment and gear, and he always had a knack for finding things others did, and far more importantly didn't, want found. He even got an instructor fired for his promiscuity with a student, which he tracked down because the guy ticked him off. That was the beginning of the end for his police career, for when he graduated the Academy, with full honors, he was relegated to a desk jockey job instead of actually going out and working. Victor wasn't having that, so he bailed as soon as possible, now in his mid twenties with no job, he used what money he had to buy a small building and converted it into part office, part apartment. He christened his new business Fine Print Investigative Services, attempting to make a joke about how the fine print always taketh away. His knack for finding things really shined here, with no rules or regulations to stop him from actually going out and finding what he was looking for. He kicked down doors, shot up small gangs, got into the odd running gunfight with corrupt police forces that wouldn't let him do his job, and made a name for himself as an unshakeable blood hound, just not a big name, since his mother still kept him from attaining any sort of fame through her connections and assaults on him, both figuratively and literally, but he continues to make a good living regardless, although he just might stop taking shit from the human supremacists, and his mother, once and for all. Misc: Victor's demon blood gives him better strength, speed, and durability, comparable or superior to most implants, and his night vision is naturally better thanks to the origins of his father. Company/Organization: Victor runs his own private detective service, Fine Print Investigative Services, and he'll take just about any client, for any reason. Its only him, living out of what loosely conforms to the idea of an office. It is located on the border between the Non-Human suburbs, Elf Haven, and Corporate HQ's, which gives him a lot of traffic of all kinds, though not all of them are looking for him for good reasons. The office itself is a two story building at the corner of a street, with a battered sign hanging from above the doorway with a document and magnifying glass, and in older fancy script, Fine Print Investigative Services, and on the door was, on the glass, [b]Detective Viktor Vladov[/b] in several different languages, including a few that weren't common to humanity. The first floor of the office was the actual office, and when one walked in they would quickly see it was cozy, if functional. A wood stove in the corner for an emergency, old carpet on the floor, a naked bulb hanging from the ceiling, several chairs, a couch, coffee table with a variety of current and not so current magazines, and a larger desk from which Victor worked. The desk held various reports, notes, paystubs, IOU's, and a bunch of other various and sundry things one would expect. A lockbox and safe under the desk are both secure from physical and magical intrusion, holding his various ammunition loadouts, both magical and mundane, and Viktor has no intent of letting anyone have those. Behind a locked door is a stairwell leading upstairs to his home, all open space so one can just walk where they need to. A small kitchenette, with stove, microwave, and refridgerator rested in the corner closest to the door. An armchair and small couch faced a used, but functional, 46" plasma screen TV, while a smaller, nicer desk faced the window, which had a computer and some writing utensils and paperwork on it as well, although at first glance the paperwork would actually be correspondence with various people in the city, who didn't trust electronics to get their messages back and forth. His twin sized bed was in the corner opposite of the door, and one of two rooms walled from the others, the other being a tiny bathroom adjacent to the small bedroom, since no one wants to see you using the john, after all. [/hider]