Linn was the last to come into the base. She had tripped over her shoe lace, causing her to tumble slightly. She was thankful no one saw her and silently bent over and tied both shoes up tight as to avoid this happening again. Even from her crouched position in the hall she could hear Cora talking about the blue lights and such to what she thought was the Vita robot officer. Now that still baffled her. Her brother had an artificial voice emulator on his video game system but it wasn’t anywhere as advanced and…human like as Vita. Linn felt as if she could actually talk to her like she would a person. Finally getting her shoe tied Linn rushed into her new home for however long she would be there and was at awe. “So this is modern style huh?” She whispered to herself. Her family ad a simple townhouse that steered towards her mother’s old timey county style and she had been around that all her life. Her everything was so shinny and clean that she didn’t want to touch anything in fear of dirtying it somehow. Linn saw their commander sitting on the couch and many of her teammates going into the kitchen and then one guy standing by the most beautiful piano she had ever seen. She would enjoy playing that someday even though it had been a few months since she last played. She took a step inside to only brush up against someone and jump up in surprise. She hadn’t even heard the girl standing next to her. Glancing down she noticed the dog that was in the line during their first lineup “Oh so this is your dog-” The girl was blind. She was ashamed to say that she didn’t notice during the lineup and coughed to cover her unnatural pause. The girl looked uncomfortable and she remembered how no one could be in the living room when her blind cousin was moving in because he had to memorize his surroundings. [i]‘I cannot believe everyone. They have no courtesy to even accommodate her. Poor girl.’[/i] Linn just opened her mouth and started talking to the girl, “So. We have about 4 options. There’s a cute guy standing by a grand piano we can go chat him up, umm and some of our teammates are raiding the fridge might wanna get on that action, our commanders are on the couch we could do some smooching up to them, and there are the bedchambers or whatever that need discovery. Where do you want to go?”