Linn smiled as the dog sniffed her feet and giggled slightly as she bent down and scratched the dog behind his ears. "I have a puppy like you at home. His names Oliver." She sighed a bit remembering that last night before she left how Oliver wouldn't leave her side even sleeping right next to her as if he knew something was going to happen tomorrow. His sad eyes and whimpering sent a shiver up her spine as she stood up to address the girl again. "Ya I meant to say that word that means kissing up to them but I guess I forgot how to spell it." [i](hehe get it? :D)[/i] She remembered the piano she used to have. Wasn't as grand as the one infront of them but still it was nice. Her mother taught her and then she took lessons at school but then the accident happened. "I've been playing since I was 10 but a year ago broke our family piano so I haven't played in a minute."