Press donned his armor and gave it yet another test, like all the others he did at home. He fired 2 rockets from his left gaunlet and had them collide into each other so as to not destroy the room he was in. A very loud explosion was created, and Press' helmet lowered the sound on his speakers and dimmed the lights on his visor screen. A noise that loud might attract attention, but Press wasn't quite thinking of that. Instead, he shot a few bolts at the lowest setting out of his right gauntlet, and smiled when the bolts appeared and fizzled out before they hit the walls. He dared not try the highest setting, mainly out of fear of damaging the room. He decided to test his jetpack, and silently flew into the air. Incredible, really, running on electricity to power a series of fans that lifted him into the air. However, when he tried to descend, the jetpack refused to do so. Press sighed, and turned off the jetpack, making him fall 5 feet and landing quite loudly onto the ground. He looked around and noticed some dust on the ground, probably from the exploding rockets. He opened his storage cube and took out a vaccum bot, which he set on the ground to clean up the mess. After that, he returned it to his cube, which he re-locked. Now he started changing filters on his visor, testing to see if they were functioning as intended.