Name:Rig Leaf Race: Halfling Age: 28 Gender: Profession/Role/Position: Head of Underhill Motorcycle Club [img=] Appearance: Due to many drunken nights out with is boys, Rig has several deep scars on his face, one in particular stretches from the corner of the left side of his mouth to just about the back of his jaw. He has long black hair but usually keeps shoved in his bandana. He wears his crews signature black armor vests almost constantly, and even has the insignia tattooed under his left eye the two intricate skulls sitting on a plain hill. He has green eyes that look like the deepest emerald you'd ever seen, his mother had those same eyes and it was quite a rarity so he often kept his aviators on even in meetings and would only take them off with someone he truly trusted. As a child the other boys would say he was the son of a witch and thats why he was born with those eyes, he for one thought it was utter bullshit but it is still a soft spot of his. He has a very welcoming look to his face, almost like he couldn't possibly hurt you, until you see all the scars. He normally wears a black, long sleeved, button up shirt with white buttons under his vest, and normal black jeans and boots when he's relaxing. He's rather big for a halfling standing at 5'1, he often thinks there must be something else down the line running through his veins. Equipment: He has a antique sawed off shotgun on his bike at all times, along with a few different cases of enchanted ammo in a security box in his saddle bag that will only open to his fingerprint. Rig normally carries roughly ten to fifteen knifes on him depending on what he was wearing, his normal garb unfortunately he can only conceal about eight. His armor in particular, unlike the rest of his gang, is made of Dragonscale that he only uses in emergency situations, but he usually can be found wearing his black thick leather armor like the rest of his gang. He also always has his dagger Rsfile on his hip, a weapon made of white enchanted steel, its said that the dagger made sonic booms as it sliced through the air and has even been know to create gusts of mild winds. Magic: He has small runes on his feet to lighten his step a bit and a few on his hands for dexterity, but his biggest magic is his psychic vampirism, that many don't even know about. This give him small telekinetic powers, and some pretty strong telepathic ones he cant read the minds of an entire room or even an intellectual at any level, but a dumb grunt with one look into his eyes would fall prey. That his the true reason behind his eyes being how they are, not witchcraft. He can also communicate with people with thought from at least a 2 mile distance but at that point he would be straining his capabilities and would probably need to drain someone. Also the person would have to accept him in there head, and that's really unlikely. His most prized talent is his illusionary trick, where he makes someone see a false truth and even believe it for a few moments. Again he couldn't do it on any intellectual being. But his Psycic Vampirism could affect you in slight ways, loss of hearing maybe, or slight hallucinations, the most prominent would be your psychological health though and he could never kill you using it. Personality: He really is a rough around the edges kind of guy, and isn't really used to people being above him, he's also kind of distant at times, as though hes totally checked out from this world and all it entails. Rig also has been know to go into his bouts of rage. Though he is an extremely difficult person to deal with when he isn't in a bad mood he actually quite a character and many would call him a friend on those days. Sometimes he just has a way of talking though that pisses people off, he assumes that since he was born with his powers on the mind he can just say whatever he wants, then fix it. That doesn't seem to always work Bio: Leaf was born in a small town on the west coast of North America to a widowed woman named Lucy. As a boy Rig would tell his mom of all the ‘big big things’ he would grow up to do, all the people he would help. Sometimes he finds himself at the bar in light of that memory. He never understood it fully though, how she hid it so well. The stark madness that came with this power, the gluttony. When his mother was still healthy and alive, she would take him out to the fields to do there mock knife fights he had loved so much but always lost. His mother was no stranger to the sword either and on her death bed she revealed to him her biggest secret, the soul of his father trapped in Rsfile. So life went on an he moved to Houston and quickly fell in with the wrong crowd and soon had made a name for himself in the biking community. Then one day he got enough money together to buy the Club and hes been running it ever since. Misc: Never call him Rig or you’ll see his bad side on the quick. Company/Organization: The Underhill Motorcycle Club is known for being halflings but is accepting of every race and creed. Most of the business he gets is in the Drug and Arms business, though his market has been closing up for a few years now due to the rising power of the Yakuzas. He mainly runs the bar at the club and does the heavier Jobs they get from time to time. His gang is known for the discreetness and connection, so many people come to him for help or odd things that need to be done. They have also been taking on more and more theft jobs lately from the higher ups and have been collecting a good amount of change. In his spare time Rig has also been taking assassination Jobs from some of the more powerful people running the government, he works only with a small team of assassin halflings, despite how hard he's tried to keep those operations discreet, word has got out.