Name: Allie Pendlton Race: Phoenix Age: 124 Gender: Female Profession/Role/Position: Works in the editorial department of [i]The Texas time[/i] Appearance: Allie is bellow average height for a middle aged human, she has a little meat on her bones, not overweight, but you might not call her "skinny", she has tanned skin and striking red hair, with striking orange eyes. Her hair reaches down to her waist and she doesn't seem to ever cut it. Her face is rounded, with soft features, and her eyes are framed well with some thick eye lashes. She wears gender neutral clothing, unless working, then she wears business attire, skirt, leggings and all. Equipment: She uses a trusty laptop, which she carries around often, and also has a bracelet to help stabilize her abilities. Implants: She has none Magic: Being a phoenix she able to regenerate after being mortally wounded, when she "dies" she melts into ashes, and it takes a day or so for her to come back, if her ashes scatter, they will pull together no matter how far apart they are spread. She does not start with her normal body, and actually reverts to the body of a 15 or 16 year old, a fact she laments dearly. Also due to her race, she has an ability to control fire, though for a phoenix, she is atrocious with it. Hence her bracelet Personality: Allie is a somewhat sassy and sarcastic girl, she talks how she wants with most people, unless she knows they can maker life sh*t when they can't handle a joke. She tries to be an optimist though that doesn't usually hold true. She has some slight attitude problems, and doesn't seem to want to fix them. Really she is just an average person, she has her quirks but hey, who doesn't. Bio: Allie has been around for a while, constantly dying and coming back will let you do that. You might think she would be wise and stoic after all those years, but she seems to be forever a somewhat angsty teen. She lives life rather uneventfully and deals with what she has, not much drama or earth shattering plot here. Just a chick who is bad at dying. Misc: Some people seem to be sniffing about her as of late, she has no idea why. Company/Organization: The Texas times. A relatively mediocre company with a relatively mediocre paper. It's 1:35 AM here, so I think I'm going to hit the sack, I will be creating more characters soon though.