(I hope this wasn’t too sloppy. First CS in too long to possibly recall.) [hider=CS][img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w236/Chrome_Hound/rebelgal_zpsc020a1b2.jpg[/img] Name: Alyssa Carthwrite Race: Human Age: 24 Gender: Female Profession/Role/Position: Undefined Appearance: If you had never met her before, Alyssa’s demeanor could be intimidating. She has a purposeful, but cold stare with her hazel eyes. She often has a keffiyeh loose around her neck, for when she should need it. A satchel remains at her side at all times, probably big enough to hold some sort of computing device. She stands at about an average height and weight for a woman her age, and doesn’t stand out much; perhaps that’s the point. Equipment: Alyssa carries a short extendable night stick, which can be electrified with nearly 6 million volts, enough to severely disorientate or KO someone. In the satchel she keeps a tablet-like device, which allows her to alter technology within a few feet of herself, such as lights, cameras or scanning devices. Implants: Primary sensory implant, increases awareness in low-light situations (not night vision), and allows for the user to enhance their hearing capabilities. What was once a mere mutter or a whisper from behind a door, is now amplified. Magic: Alyssa’s focus on magic is split between offensive and defensive. She can produce baseball-sized spheres of energy which can be hurled at foes. If one were to be hit by this ability the blow would not be fatal, and would be more like the needles of a stun gun finding their way into one’s shoulder, which would injure and disorient. Alyssa can also create a spark remotely, in about a 5-meter range, which is useful in many different ways. Her defensive magics consist of a thick vapor screen, which will fog up sensors and obscure vision otherwise, as well as her cold aura ability, which if concentrated, can throw of thermal sensors. Personality: Alyssa could be seen as somewhat of a recluse as far as the general public is concerned. She has abandoned all of her friends and family, cutting off contact completely. However she knows she is far from alone, and takes pride in the fact that she has family in a new way, her brothers and sisters fighting for their land’s sovereignty, doing all that they can to wrestle it from their corporate overloards. Sometimes innocents get caught in the middle, but those are the sacrifices everyone has to make for this kind of struggle. Just look what she has given up for herself. At least this way, if she dies fighting in what she believes in, her family can’t be stigmatized because of it. Bio: [i]“Not many people, even here, know my real name- much less where I’ve come from. To tell you the truth, I’m from Houston, born and raised. You hear a lot about the freelancers, guys and gals who join up just because they like fucking with ‘the man’, but that’s not me. As much as I love my folks and my friends, they were all just too complacent with our situation. Every day, more and more rights are stripped away, but they insisted it would get better. Maybe early on it was my ‘teen angst’ that got my blood pumping for change, even if the only effect it really had on me at the time was hindering my education by defunding our schools. I just couldn’t bear over-hearing my folks talking to eachother about the rising price of living, and how we might have to sell the home. No fucking way I knew what I was getting myself into. By the time I graduated from high school, we had already moved to different parts of the city- twice just so we could manage to barely hold on to the fleeting middle class. One of my buddies, Arkayem, a dwarf, convinced me that we do have a decision on what’s happening to our society. If asking doesn’t do the trick, then take what you need and give it back to the people of Houston. We kept talking for months on the subject, and I got the feeling he was testing my boundries and my motives. Whatever I told him must have satisfied him though, because that’s when I learned of Operation Freedom. Not my favorite choice for a name, but hey, I suppose it holds true to the Texas tradition, heh. I did some work on the side for them for a while, nothing detailed, but when they brought me in completely I decided to cut all ties to my family. Better they not know what their Alyssa is capable of. Maybe one day, if I live through all this mess, I’ll be able to go back to a normal life. That’s all this is supposed to be. A means to an end.”[/i] Misc: Alyssa tries to utilize violence as a very last resort. Operation Freedom influences the city in many ways, some public, though subtly, but most through underground networks which conceal their presence. Alyssa is more involved in inciting social unrest, occasionally assisting and providing for protestors in clashes with law enforcement (police, or PMC). She makes a habit of just being a face in a crowd. Company/Organization: OPERATION FREEDOM; Hasty on dispensing justice for something the government has let slip through the cracks, the growing corporate hold on this city has further increased the gap between the classes. Those who are poor are getting poorer, while the rich line the government’s pockets with legal bribes. The whole system is to blame for this disparaging reality, and since the democratic view of changing things looks hopeless, these so-called terrorists will be the one to do the hard work. Even if it gets ugly, and innocents are caught in the way, no losses will be in vain, for achieving the greater good gives little time for grieving over mistakes or collateral damage.[/hider]