Nathan wasn't having a good time. Something he had recently discovered about himself is that drugs don't work as long, which normally wouldn't be a problem but the pain was becoming unbearable. He hoped no one could sense it because it was bad, then the commander lady started chewing someone out. Nathan was used to yelling but this was like that hangover he had once, cheap beer and super powers don't mix. The lights were too bright, sounds were too loud, and he was getting agitated, making everything too hot. As the group made its way into the base, Nathan had to use all his willpower to stay calm. As the group entered the living area everyone started to marvel at the refrigerator, not making room for him to push through. Wracking his head, he remembered something about bedrooms, there had to be pain killers in there. As Nathan rushed pasted the pianos he felt his resolve slip a bit, his veins making the tall tale glow of anger. As he did this he felt his pace quicken, trying to find a room. That's when the explosion happened. It wasn't near him, but it was loud enough to cause him to jump, with that last bit of fear coursing through his body Nathan felt his wall crumble. He felt the skin on his hands crack as the steaming blood began to trickle out, fire came out of his mouth like a liquid inferno, and the temperature rose exponentially. That is until, the spinal rig activated. An unknown sedative created by sanctum flooded into his veins, calming him down instantly and reducing him into a languid sack of flesh on the floor. A dopey grin on his face with the memory of a dog.