Name: Aussir Denthanus Race: Dragon Age: 30 Gender: Male Profession: Clothing store owner Appearance: [hider=Dragon Form][img=][/hider] & [hider=Human Form][IMG][/IMG][/hider] Equipment: A large war sword he keeps in the back room of the shop, along with a shotgun behind the counter, and two semi-automatic pistols strapped to the back of his waist. Implants: A cybernetic eye which replaced his lost eye. Magic: Dracoshift: A very basic spell which allows Aussir to become human in appearance, it also allows him to change back to his dragon form. Holy Breath: A magic only able to be used in his dragon form. It changes Aussir's breath from flames, to a white healing fire, though this can only be used once per day due to special circumstances. Ward: This magic can only be used while in his humanized state. Aussir covers himself and his allies with a physical ward that deflects most physical attacks, with the exception of bullets and magically augmented weapons. This spell drains Aussir immensely, and once it's effects wear off, he is left weakened and unable to defend himself. Personality: Aussir is known throughout the neighborhood as a kind-hearted dragon, despite how he came to the city. He is honorable, and has a strong sense of justice. He also won't let corrupt people push him or others around, and often has been seen fighting for that belief. While Aussir appears to be kind-hearted, he does keep others away from him, afraid to have anyone understand who he is inside. Bio: Not much is known about Aussir's origins, other than the fact he is different from other dragons in the city. Even he doesn't entirely remember where he came from, though fragments of his memory reveal that he once lived in a city, too. At the age of five, he was taken in by another dragon and raised like the dragon's son, being taught many different things about the city he was in now. It was large, and maybe someone knew where he had come from, or at least knew where he could start looking. However, as the years went by, the older dragon fell ill and eventually passed away. With no other family to take over the shop, it fell upon Aussir to inherit the shop and keep it running. Despite this, he usually finds himself thinking about the past that he cannot remember, and of his parents. Where were they? Why couldn't he remember them? Despite these questions, Aussir has gone on with life in the city, facing daily threats to both his store, and to his fellow shop owners. One day, after having beaten off another group of criminals, he noticed another group already having at it with the Sandwich Shop later on that day. Already enraged from the previous fight, he wasted no time getting involved in that one, unaware that the owner wasn't there at the time. It was a long fight, but Aussir won in the end, but not before having taken several severe wounds. After some time, he returned to his shop, collapsing in the back room after closing up early. After that day, he's kept a close eye on the sandwich shop, often visiting it. Misc: Sort of has his own little hoard of stylish clothing, though they are only ever displayed and never put up for sale. The hoard also includes several large books containing knowledge of the world, however, he rarely ever touches these. Company: The Dragon's Den. It mostly sells clothing, with a bit of jewellery, custom-made by Aussir himself. However, the jewellery is made as a hobby, and only if he comes across materials he likes for them. The company itself is far from racist, considering they have clothing for each race, and often encourage people to come and take a look at their wares. Recently, Aussir has had to hire someone to tend to the register, a young female dragon from the neighborhood. The company isn't big, just the one store, which seems to do quite well for itself. Their business is done in a professional and courteous manner, never forcing someone who walks in, to buy something. Half of their profits go to the maintaining of the neighborhood, which has been done for well over ninety years, and has continued even under Aussir's inheritance. The store is located in the Dragon-Burrough, close to the border of Elf Haven.