Kyle looked around the base as he wandered. He had no idea of what he was doing here. he did not know anyone and neither did they know him. Nor did any of them know him. So he figured he should explore his own way. By this he meant climbing all over the walls like a spider. Course spiders could not use static electricity to climb the walls. Kyle however could. Thus he was better than a common spider. Go him? He had such a strange mind to come up with something like that. He put his hands on the walls and instead of walking climbed all over like a mad man. It would look strange to anyuone looking as he clambered about. Eventually he was inside of his room hanging upside down with his door open. He figured someone would notice it. After a few minutes he climbed over towards a few people standing around. One was on the ground, another was standing around, and the third had a bird on his shoulder. "Hey nice bird. I'm Kyle. Nice to meet you." He said reversing his shift to allow him to land next to the guy.