Vita's sphere shape floated around Nikolai for a moment, no doubt analyzing him. It only took a second, but Vita had to scan each person, so that her memory cache could identify them once combat and training began. This is why she had been moving so quickly from person to person. "Of course Nikolai, is there any location you would prefer to visit first?" Vita asked these questions with mimicked vocal inflections that would give off a caring tone,though of course how real these emotions were, was anybody's guess. Vita was still a relatively new invention, built around a year after the morph suits were created. Despite Commander Nunez's label as an "officer," upon analysis Vita knew that her role was much more similar to that of an assistant. However, analyzing further, she did realize that she was also a commander, her ability to delegate tactical advice was rivaled by no other. Neither human or Titan could calculate and analyze as fast as she could. Analyzing further, Vita could only compare her analyzing to an artificial variant of the human "thoughts," Though, Vita was sure that her 'thoughts' held no emotional substance, only programmed priorities and protocols. Vita was certainly an amazing feat, no matter what she was, in just the time that it took Nikolai to respond, Vita had already analyzed and researched so much, including what was available to her on Nikolai's files.