Yay it's mine. If you know where I got the name and appearance +10 cool points for you.

[hider=][b]Name:[/b] Akira Takizawa 
[b]Race:[/b] Human
[b]Age:[/b] 19
[b]Gender:[/b] Male

[b]Profession/Role/Position:[/b] Yakuza Gang Member

Akira also has a back tattoo of a [url=http://slodive.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/yakuza-tattoo/yakuza-dragon.jpg]dragon,[/url] which he obtained on his 16th birthday [/center]

[b]Equipment:[/b] Akira carries an M1911 pistol, a switchblade with decorative Japanese writing engraved in the hilt, and an untraceable cellphone at all times. Everywhere he goes Akira drives a [url=http://randomc.net/image/Eden%20of%20the%20East/Eden%20of%20the%20East%20-%2004%20-%20Large%2005.jpg]flashy high end yellow motorcycle.[/url] 

[b]Magic:[/b] Akira's magic could be considered as a type of Advanced Telekinesis. Not only does he have the ability to move objects with his mind, but he may also manipulate and regenerate objects or surfaces, for example: With the power of regeneration Akira can hold a rock in one hand and regenerate an exact copy of the rock in the other hand, or if he's touching the side of a car, he can regenerate a fully functional and mobile copy of the car right next to the original. With the power of manipulation Akira can hold a rock in his hand and manipulate it's shape to look like a dog statue, or lift a car into the air and manipulate it to be nothing more than a hunk of metal. Those are merely examples though, the possibilities of what Akira can do with this magic are endless, the more creative his mind, the more effective this magic can be. 

This particular version of Telekinesis may be used offensively and defensively. Defensively say Akira is in a room with a concrete floor (or any solid surface like metal or wood) and being shot at, he may raise the ground beneath him and create a concrete shield. Offensively, he can instead raise the ground beneath the shooter and launch him or her into the air. Since Akira is fairly young the size and amount of what he's attempting to manipulate/regenerate must be taken into consideration. With ease he could turn one rock into fifty, but turning one car into two would take significantly more concentration. 

[b]Personality:[/b] Akira acts carefree and laid back about everything at all times but this is only an image, he loves attention and finds joy in acting childish. He's very confident in his ability and hides away emotions, refusing to admit or show any type of weakness due to a stubborn attitude, but Akira will express his feelings and opinions very loudly and without restrictions. He's very straightforward and honest with people, always speaking his mind, and loves to poke his nose into people's business. He has a sense of humor, always turning everything into a joke. When it comes to things like work and school he usually slacks off and refuses to give any real amount of effort merely because he's bored, or doesn't really think what he's doing matters. Although he does stupid things and may come off as immature, lazy, and unprofessional, Akira is very intelligent, and knows when to take things seriously. Akira can be very passionate and sincere when he wants too and put all of his heart into achieving a goal. He's a good person, always going out of his way to help those he cares about, no matter the consequences. His energetic and straightforward personality reflects his actions, "Think before you act" isn't really his style. Akira lives in the moment. 

[b]Bio:[/b] Akira is an orphan, and has no memories or recollection of his parents, only that they sent him to an orphanage a few months after his birth. Born in Kyoto, Japan, Akira lived a small portion of his life in an orphanage where he was a troublemaker, leaving the orphanage on a regular basis to cause as much havoc a child could in the city. Due to lack of controlling his magic, Akira would occasionally harm other children and adults, he was constantly bullied at the orphanage and at school as a result. At age 8, Akira's troublemaking behavior caught the attention of a local [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bōsōzoku]Bōsōzoku[/url] gang who had connections with the Yakuza. These gang members took a liking to Akira and accepted him as their own. 

For a few months Akira spent his days with these gang members, hanging out with them everyday after school, going wherever it was they were going and acting out as they did. Rather than bullying and disciplining his magic, the gang members were impressed, and encouraged Akira to use his magic more. With no parents or role models, Akira looked up to these gang members. Eventually they introduced him to members of the Marutomi Rengokai, a local Yakuza branch. It was here Akira was introduced to Kaito Takizawa, a high ranking family member of the Yakuza who had visited from Tokyo on business. Kaito admired Akira's bond with the branch, as well as his magical powers. It was that very day Kaito decided to adopt Akira, and returned to Tokyo with him. Upon arrival, Akira was highly respected and practically treated like royalty in Tokyo by the Yakuza as well as the locals, but he didn't become spoiled or selfish, he was ecstatic to finally have a family, and at 10 years old became an official member.

As Yakuza influence in Houston rapidly increased, more and more members from Japan branches moved to Houston. Kaito himself was among these members, and was to supervise Yakuza operations in Houston. Akira was 14 years old when he and Kaito moved to Houston. By now Kaito had risen to the rank of oyabun amongst the Yakuza (family boss), and as a result was hardly ever home due to business. It was around this time Texas seceded from the United States, and the Governor brought up the bill to keep track of all magic users. By now Akira was old enough to take part in assignments and missions among the Yakuza. With Kaito mostly out of the country, Akira was free to do as he please among the changing city. He grew up amongst the confusion and was practically raised by the chaos and corruption of Houston, for years spending his days as a Yakuza Gang Member, taking part in riots and causing trouble in school. As tension and violence in the city grew, Akira could see the powder keg that lay before him, and refused to stand by and watch the city destroy itself, but being the foster child of a Yakuza Boss could only get you so far. 

Now, 19 years old and out of high school, Akira realizes the only one's taking up arms to save the city are Operation Freedom. If he's going to do any real damage, it's going to be among their ranks. 

Company/Organization: Yakuza[/hider]