Nikolai watched carefully as Vista flew around him. He knew the AI was advanced, but he hasn't expected it's analysing abilities to be so powerful. Watching the blue orb was soothing somehow; seeing something that was as emotionless as himself was unusual. Once Vita finished, she asked, with what Nikolai thought was concern, where he would like to visit first. Nikolai thought for a moment, and just as he was about to reply he felt a tap on his arm. Turning, he saw a gangly blonde haired youth, who proceeded to unleash a torrent of questions that bombarded Nikolai's ears. Nikolai stared at him blankly; once such an interruption would have irritated him, but no more. Blinking slowly, he offered a reply to the fast talker, the only excitement to his speech being his Russian accent. "Hello, I am Psybeam, or Nikolai if you prefer. I would ask that you speak slowly, as I find it hard to understand your accent. The AI, Vita, was going to take me on a tour of the facility. You are welcome to join us, as I am sure your questions will be answered along the way." Turning back to Vita, he responded to her earlier question. "You are more familiar with this facility than myself. My reading on the facility did not detail it's layout, unfortunately. I will follow you, as I am sure you can calculate the best route for us to take. From what I have read about your capabilities, you seem very...." Nikolai considered for a moment. "Impressive."