The time had arrived, the introduction from the drill sargents had been made and it was time to get unpacked and settled in. Honestly, Eve didn't expect much from BPAP in terms of accomadation, two rooms of with two rows of bunk beds each seperating the girls and the boys, a shared bathroom and a mess hall at best. It was much to her suprise then when it was much like back at Uni; a commonroom equiped with new furniture, a nice tv and a kitchen with a walk in fridge and a grand piano. Maybe a bit better than student digs, but it certainly wasn't boot camp. She was a bit thankful for this, while she was prepared to the harassment and mental torture an average soldier went through, it certainly wasn't something she wanted to be submitted too. You never know, tomorrows training might have been even worse to make up for the atomic-era accomadation. 

Eve couldn't resist the allure of the piano, it was a beautiful specimen. She siddled up to the majestic beast and ran a gentle hand through its straight steel mane, examining its well formed hammers and real ivory keys. It certainly had pedagry, part of an exclusive, dying club. It was almost a shame she'd have to play it really, but its its own fault for leading her on like this. If she wanted to live forever she should have become a museum piece, not a late-teen common room toy. Yeah, it was definitely a girl-piano, so delicate and elegant in its design. It would be a pleasure to rest her fingers on the keys, to feel their fine balance to hear that quite ping of vibrating steel in a magnificent body of... was it spruce? It was gorgeous whatever it was, much nicer than the one she was used to playing. Not having a musical instrument to play was a large concern for Eve when registring for BPAP, music was an important of who she was, giving that up would be a big sacrifice. Her thoughts of future concerns brought her out of her piano induced daze and back to reality where three others stood at the piano, including the friend she made earlier in the line up. Aware she might be impeding someone else from playing she jumped away and apologised,

"Oh Gosh, I'm so sorry for getting in the way, its been a while since had the opportunity to play a piano as nice as this one, I guess I'll just have to wait my turn." Eve smiled to the mixed raced lady and continued, "I told you so, there was no reason to be nervous, looks like we're going to be really well looked after, Stitches by the way"