As the sedatives flowed through Nathans body time seemed to slow, not really but he just couldn't move fast. More than that he couldn't move much at all. The pain was gone though, so that was a plus. As he was lost in his reverie of thoughts, Nathan didn't feel the soothing cold that had blossomed on his back. Well, not at first. As the cool sensation drifted across his back, he started to regain his thoughts. First off there were more people around him, which brought a feeling of both relief and dread. Did he light something on fire again? Did anybody get hurt? These thoughts flashed through his mind before they were annihilated by pain, someone was grabbing his arm and it was absolute agony. Realization dawned on Nathan as he thought, [i]"If the skin split, than this is really bad."[/i] Too drugged to talk however, all he could do was weakly moan. With that said and done all Nathan could think was [i]"Way to make a first impression you idiot."[/i] as he was dragged wherever the strangers were taking him.