Gyran, or, Ozy, as he liked to refer to himself in more polite company, spends most of his time at the Underhill Motorcycle Club. Half because he enjoyed the rowdy company, and half because being an outsider suits him just fine. He has more under his sleeve than these bikers could know. His phone lays plainly on the bar where he sits, updating a news feed of the crisis in the mayoral palace. He has an empty shot glass in front of himself, a cigarette held loosely between his index and middle finger. Gyran was there before the lockdown, when the Yakuza decided to put down a few club members, but he forgot all about that when news feeds exploded with information about the attack on the mayoral palace. [i]Hah, the fuck kind'a mayor has a palace?[/i] He thought to himself. [i]Looks like we have even more players in this game of ours. Who is this new player?[/i] Gyran wondered. He wouldn't have to wait long for an answer. Soon after the end of the mess at the mayor's palace, live audio was opened up on the news feed, Gyran couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. He can understand taking matters into one's own hands, but violence breeds more violence. [i]"Our Father's Fathers..."[/i] Gyran couldn't help but mumble aloud, before quickly hushing himself. Gyran found himself standing up immediately, putting his cigarette out on the bar's ashtray, and making his way outside. He grabbed onto his jacket, and tugged on it a bit, before getting down onto his bike, revving up the engine and taking off immediately. Gyran drove off into the city, and he could already see the smoke from the massive paramilitary attack just hours earlier. He strategically parked his motorcycle in the suburbs, avoiding the lockdown. From there he walked on foot to an alleyway. The way he moved, it seemed very specific. He grabbed a tiny piece of chalk from his pocket, and drew a few marks beside the graffiti mural that remained on the wall. To some it would seem like any ordinary geometric pattern. After that, Gyran dropped the tiny piece of chalk and walked away, that was the extent he could get involved personally for now. [b]________________________________________________________________________________[/b] Alyssa was watching the event unfold on TV. She was used to violence by the government, but this sort of massive paramilitary attack really shook her. [i]To think,[/i] she thought to herself, [i]people called [b]us[/b] terrorists.[/i] Just then her smart phone began to ring. She answered it without moving a muscle. It was her friend, Arkayem, a dwarf about her age, with whom she had much confidence in. He asked her if she had any idea about what was going on. She had no words for him. It's a helpless feeling, not being able to know the whole situation. Alyssa was just beginning to believe they were making a real difference. But this, could undermine [b]everything[/b] they've been fighting for. Just then, Alyssa's TV switched itself over to a man explaining the motive for the attack. She grimaced at the thought of such normalized violence. Texas wasn't supposed to be a warzone. Not like this. Arkayem, who was still in the call notified her of the large presence of PMCs who were dispatched to the library. OF had information on the vault, but that information was vague and hardly reliable. [i]"So could that be their real priority, Arky?"[/i] Alyssa asked her trustworthy friend. [i]"Kuh, dun'kno 'Lyssa. I can't get close or anything. What should we do?"[/i] He asked her. [i]"Not much we can do, Ark. Not until we get the word. Hang on, I'll access the cams now, see if we have an update."[/i] Alyssa told Arkayem, before turning to her tablet. She opened up a special program, and accessed the city's own surveillance. [i]"Wow- whoever put up the message did it quick."[/i] She tells her friend. [i]"So? What's the plan?"[/i] Ark asked her impatiently. [i]"Lay low. Move to surveillance. No more protests until we figure out what's going on. I guess it makes sense. If we burst into action, we'll just get a few of our people killed, and we'll get grouped in with those "Father's Fathers" assholes. Gotta go, stay safe."[/i] She tells him, before ending the call. Alyssa quickly packed the tablet into her satchel and grabbed her extendable stun baton, stuffing it into the back of her waistline. She turned her television off just as the government official appeared on TV. She already knew exactly what the man was going to say, why bother? The woman made her way down the stairs of her apartment in Elf Haven. She preferred a more diverse scene. At least here she could know what she's fighting for. She makes her way out of the suburb, and once she reaches the heart of the city, moving toward the library. She wanted to see what was going on with her own eyes, and she couldn't have gotten access to the cameras around there without being traced. It wasn't a bad walk, about half an hour of slipping around until she got a good angle on the library, managing to avoid the patrolling PMCs. She found herself very near someone else. She couldn't get a look, but he seemed to be poking her nose in same as her. Alyssa decided to keep her distance from the man, gently placing her finger on her ear, activating her implants. Still, even with the sound amplified to full, she could barely hear the man from how far away she was. It seemed as if he was talking on a cellphone. [i]"Damn, if only I could get closer."[/i] She scolded herself under her breath. [b]"Afternoon -----its Victor. Seems ----- entertaini ----- house party right now ---- -----your read on this whole mess?"[/b] That's all she managed to hear. Still, it was telling. [i]Victor,[/i] she thought, [i]I'll keep that name in mind in the future. Seems like he could be useful at the very least.[/i] She thought to herself. After that, Alyssa didn't move, watching the man's movements closely, She had to know how the vault and library played into this mess.