The sedatives didn't last long, in fact it was almost as if they were cut off abruptly. Several splits in his skin had erupted due to his outburst and they hurt like all hell. Worse than the slight burns he had from earlier. Focusing on this, Nathan slowly felt the life return to his limbs and he started to move around. As he explored his surroundings, Nathan discovered that most of the materials were either fireproof or air tight, well that's what the labels said. Odd, it was as if the room was tailored specifically to accommodate him and his powers. As the last of the sedatives wore off the pain began to make itself known with force. Peeling off the gauze, Nathan noticed a new split had formed along his forearm. It wasn't boiling, but the blood was flowing unhindered. Digging into his luggage, Nathan found the first aid kit he carried with him and took out the stitching needle. As he did his work, he thought about what happened. Who has explosions happen at this time? People should be getting ready for sleep, not causing explosions. Well its in the past, no need to dwell on it that much. As Nathan finished with the stitches he grabbed the gauze and wrapped it around his arm tightly, restricting blood flow. As this wasn't Nathans first rodeo with powers gone wrong, the action was rather routine. With a sense of finality, Nathan injected himself with a needle of morphine. Nothing to much, just to dull the pain and keep a clear head. With that taken care of, what did he want to do? The stitching had taken about five minutes so nothing big could have happened since then. But did he really want to go out there. With his little accident he was sure that he had made a bad first impression, a freak among freaks he rationalized it. Looking down at his hands, Nathan felt a feeling of dread worm its way into the pit of his stomach. If training started tomorrow, how was he going to train? With his hands still burnt and now with the split just taken care of, there wouldn't be a chance in hell that he could heal fast enough. Unless...If a phoenix could come back from the ashes, whats stopping him from being able too. With no other option and being drugged enough to actually consider it, began to make some preparations. Locking his door, dimming the lights, and drinking from the tap located in the bathroom. Nathan settled himself down on the floor in a criss cross applesauce way, man Nathan missed kindergarten. Thinking back to all the times he had used his powers, they were all fueled by extreme rage. Well how about a nice simmer instead of an incinerator? As Nathan began breathing in and out, nose in mouth out. He settled into a sort of trance, the anger was still there but it wasn't taking over. As it spread through his body a dull light filled his veins which pulsed brighter temporarily with every heartbeat. Nathan didn't know what this meant, it might not do anything but if his hunch was correct than he could actually control it. It was a slim hope, but hope nonetheless so Nathan clung to it and hoped that something could come of this.